
Friday, March 2, 2012

Sluts Unite!

This morning I learned that I used to be a slut. And I'm okay with that! For anybody reading this who is confused please read the following article:

This confused individual seems to think that by health insurance covering the costs of contraceptives (which by the way men can get as well since some places allow insurance to cover condoms!) that the taxpayers who are fronting the money for this need to get something out of it and we should all make videos and post them online for viewing pleasure.

First of all they are INSURANCE PREMIUMS you nitwit, not your tax dollars. I am paying for a service that helps me when I need it. Just like car insurance has to pay out for an accident my health insurance is required to cover the costs of certain things when I signed their contract saying they will pay $X when I give them $X a week from my paycheck.

Second of all this doesn't make my contraceptives free. I still have co-pays, deductibles, co-insurances, and the like to pony up to get these contraceptives. My particular insurance is $25 per week from my paycheck and still requires me to pay a $20 office visit for exams and such. While my pills are free as long as I have had an annual exam in the last 12 months this does not in any way mean that I'm relying on the american people's wallets to have sex.

And lastly, my question to you Mr. Limbaugh is this:

Would you really rather have insurance cover contraceptives (a service we have to pay for) or would you like to have to foot the bill for THOUSANDS of unplanned pregnancies from women who are not able to support a child because they were unable to afford the necessary protection to prevent the pregnancy in the first place?

Some people really should think before they speak. /end rant

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