
Thursday, October 16, 2014

It's OK to be afraid. Even if I can't get that super cute picture.

Last night I took my son to see Sesame Street Live at the Cross Insurance Center (where I work). We got tickets for the meet and greet so I could snag some super cute pics of him with Elmo and the rest of the characters.

Things didn't go as I had planned. When we got into the room the person in charge explained to the kids how even though Elmo and friends looked really small on TV they were a lot bigger in person. And also that the wouldn't be talking since they had to save their voices for the show. Didn't want to get a sore throat before they had to do all that singing you know. So they were going to play the quiet game.

I was excited to see how Corbyn would react since Elmo is the one character I  can get him to sit and watch. He doesn't have much use for other TV shows.

This is what happened when I tried to get the cute picture. He was scared of the big red guy holding him and started to cry. But that's OK. He didn't have to sit on Elmo's lap if he didn't want to. I wasn't going to traumatize him just to get the shot I wanted. I could do this instead.

I was not going to be like some of the parents I saw there who were making their kids do what they didn't want to just to get that photo.

By the end of the show he was enjoying himself and had gotten used to the characters. He was actually holding out his hand as they went by hoping they would do High-5's.

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