
Saturday, December 29, 2012


2013 is almost upon us and I feel as if I need a change in my life from the general disordered mess that is my house. So I found this link on Pinterest and I'm going to do my best to change my whole lifestyle regarding my home in one month. Just in time before the baby arrives.

Oh yes, for those that follow me only on this blog and don't know me in person or on Facebook, quite a bit has happened since my last posting 6 months ago. When last I wrote I was impressed with my success using the Body by Vi program to help me shed some unwanted weight. I didn't quite hit my 35 lb goal mark, but I did OK. I lost all of that weight just in time to learn that my husband was deploying to Afghanistan for a year and that when he came back our family would consist of three members instead of just two!

Yes! We are pregnant =)   I'm 6 months along now and due on my husband's birthday in late March with our first child, a little boy.

This is me the day I found out I was pregnant at 4w4d along (right) and a photo I took just the other day at 27w0d along (left).

And this is my son.

Corbyn Wayne Arrants. Due on March 28, 2013.

And now for the main focus of this posting. I am going to be starting a month long challenge about changing my household and I want to keep myself accountable by marking my progress. So I'm going to try to keep updated daily on it. There's no guarantee I won't fail to do so, but from what I've read that's part of the whole challenge is making it so that you get into new routines. So here goes. Stay tuned.

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