
Friday, January 6, 2012

Hello 2012! Bring on the zombies!!

So another year has come and gone and we are once again faced with the task of setting goals for ourselves that most of us will abandon before too long. I myself am already slacking on my goals out of sheer lack of interest. I made myself some New Year's resolutions and have yet to fulfill any part of them.

  1. Clean my house top to bottom and keep it spic-and-span the entire year. I've yet to fully clean it. In fact, I haven't even washed the dishes that have been in my sink since my husband came home! I know, completely gross and I really need to get on top of that.
  2. Drop 30 lbs by March 8th. I have been watching what I eat and drinking a lot more water than I did last year, but I still haven't made it to the gym even once. I always seem to run out of time when I get home in the evenings and I can't make myself get out of bed early enough to go before work.
  3. Get money put away in the bank for a house down payment. I got as far as doing my FAFSA for the next school year, but haven't made my new budget or anything yet. Our tax return will go a long way toward getting some bills paid off which in turn will save us money each month. My student loan will also help with this.*
*A little note: I do not advocate getting a student loan in order to use the money to live on. My situation is that I took out the loan for school expenses I am currently being made to pay out of pocket for. The disbursement date for my loan is after the last payment date that I will be making, so I am using the same amount of money out of my loan for other bills that I would have had I not had to pay $100/week to the University.

So for now I receive an F in New Years Resolutions, but I plan on bringing that up to a minimum of a C by the time the year is over. =)  

In the end, we're all going to be eaten by zombies on 12/21/12 so why bother?

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