
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


There's a party goin' on right here
A celebration to last throughout the years
So bring your good times
And your laughter too
We gonna celebrate your party with you
Kool & The Gang - Celebrate

Today is a fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, all around good day! Why? Pull up a computer chair and let me tell you...

Lately things have been heading on a downward spiral and I was starting to wonder how I would be able to stick to my philosophy about keeping a positive attitude no matter what. Today, all that has been turned around a complete 180 degrees.

Two weeks ago I sent an e-mail to my financial advisor at school after I noticed that my account had a $3,000 credit balance. I wanted to cancel the payment plan I was making ($200 every two weeks) since I obviously didn't need to anymore. A few days later I heard back from my academic advisor to inform me that Carol had been moved off my advisement team and that I would have a new financial counselor. This was met with some dismay as I have had 5 different sets of counselors and I was just getting a good repertoire with this current set. I didn't want to have to start all over again.

Since there was nothing I could do about it I decided to just move on and send the same letter to my new counselor about the payment plan and such. At the same time I was browsing the web and an ad appeared on the side of the screen saying "University of Phoenix offers military tuition rates for active duty military personnel and their families." Being that Eric joined in October, I included this concern in my e-mail. That day at work I got a phone call from the school but we were busy so I let it go to voicemail and I checked it on my way home. I couldn't make out the extension they were saying so I called the main office and asked to speak to my counselor. Turns out both my counselors were moved off my team and I didn't know why.

Skip ahead two days and I sent a third e-mail to all four of the counselors (2 old, 2 new) explaining my unhappiness with the situation and my confusion on why it happened. But again seeing as I could do nothing about it, I felt I needed to be friendly and introduce myself to the new counselors. I listed out all my concerns and what I was hoping could be taken care of.

Fast forward to today. I first get a conference phone call from the two old counselors explaining that I was moved to a new team because the military division is separate from normal academics. You get a special team of people who are up to speed on what is required and how the program works. Sad to see them go, but this is okay because it means I'll be going to school for less money. 20 minutes later I get a call from Julian who is my new financial counselor. And that's when things got good.

I currently pay $1,175 per 3-credit course. The military tuition rate is $750. Yes, do the math. It's $425 in savings, per class. That brought a smile to my face. But wait, it gets better. A couple months ago I applied for a private student loan to cover the costs that my financial aid wouldn't cover. It was disbursed on 01/13/12 and there is now an $8,000 credit balance on my account. With the discount of my tuition, plus the money I had paid in, I will be getting quite a refund from the school in a week or so!

I will be able to pay off the bills I would have had paid off already had I not had to pay out of pocket for classes in addition to taking the extra financial aid money and using it to pay down the balances on my higher interest rate loans that I have from when I attended the University of Maine in Fort Kent. Double bonus!

And here is the best part, because I am getting back all the money that I paid in and paying off those bills with it, I'll be saving about $400/month in expenses which I can use to buy a new car since mine is on it's last legs!!

I am SO glad things finally worked out for the best and that I don't have to worry about making ends meet when Eric comes home and goes back to his old salary. This will also help to be able to buy him a vehicle when he comes home. Hooray!

So lift your glass in a silent toast and join me for a celebration dance!!


  1. So pleased for you, Courtney-Jo! Such good news!

  2. WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Sorry we were out of town, or I would have called, but I guess this means tomorrow night will be a celebratory dinner!!! :) <3 YOU GUYS!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!
