
Friday, May 11, 2012

Love is simple

So much for my daily postings in this blog. Guess I won't have nearly as much material as I'd hoped for that class. Oh well.

My wonderful mommy is back in the US and it's so wonderful to have her here for Mother's Day. We enjoyed the pool and hot tub in the hotel, as well as some wonderful meals together with friends and family. You never really know how much you will miss somebody until they are no longer just a phone call away. Even though we talk nearly every day via some form of social media the difference of being able to talk face to face is priceless.

My heart aches to know that she will be leaving in another week and a half and going back to her new life in Scotland with my step-dad. I wouldn't change anything for the world because I know she is so much happier in life and that is all that really matters. It's been a really long time since I've seen her this happy and I'm glad that she finally found somebody that she can relate to and who understands her on a level beyond what we as children can even fathom.

Things were not always happy in my house growing up and just like any other normal family we had our share of unhappiness, heartbreak, and anger. That's what makes a family and gives us that bond that nobody can break. There were times I wish I could change certain choices that were made to spare the pain that followed but I know that without learning and growing from those mistakes that we would not be the people we are today.

So even though I spent three years in pure hell while a certain T.C. lived in my house I know that it made my mother a stronger person and not so easily fooled by promises of love and happiness from people who cannot hold up their end of that promise.

Today I see her happy for the first time since V.F. left our lives and that makes my heart burst with love and pride. The fact that I get a lot of the credit for her current state of happiness (I did introduce them, you know) isn't something to forget either. I practically handpicked my own step-dad. Who knew? At the time all I wanted was peace from the "noob." Hahaha

Love is simple folks, you simply have to be willing to open your eyes and take a chance. Take that leap of faith and go outside your comfort zone. Should that fail and you still can't find anybody... ask your children. They are usually a better judge of character than you realize.